
A comedy/adventure comic by Tony Colley

Monsterhood: a comedy adventure comic by Tony Colley


Monsterhood by Tony Colley is a comedy adventure serial about a boy explorer living in a town full of cliched classic monsters. There's a mummy, a vampire, a gorgon, some sort of swamp... creature... guy? The only problem is the monsters hate humans, and that’s why Howie pretends to be a werewolf. What could possibly go wrong multiple multiple times?

Monsterhood is now a complete story and available to read right here! In its entirety! Right now!

BUT there are a few things to remember before you dive in:

  • There are over 850 strips (!), and even ten-to-a-page it is a loooong read, so be prepared to bookmark a few times if you don’t want to consume it all in one sitting.
  • When I started this strip in 2009, smartphones were still new and some webcartoonists (me) were like 'just turn your phone sideways! Vertical and square are the Devil's comic strip formats!' And those people (me) were wrong but all this is to say that Monsterhood isn't exactly optimised for mobile, sorry, but you can, in fact, still, to this day, just turn your phone sideways to read it.

  • The art gets better over time, I promise! The fingers get less square and the eyes get less beady. No one cares, of course, but my insecurity needs you to know that my drawing has improved. My writing, on the other hand, has always been great, and the Unicorn storyline made perfect sense and did not get away from me at all.

And most importantly:

  • Vampire’s a jerk.

I hope you enjoy Monsterhood! I had a great time making it. I'm still incredibly proud of it, and I loved interacting with readers when this was a daily(ish) thing. Whether you've come back to re-read it, or if you're reading it for the first time— thank you.

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